Tom And Jerry Animation Cartoon

Tom and Jerry may be a series of theatrical musical cartoon shorts created by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera for Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer that targeted on an endless group action between a housecat (Tom) and a mouse (Jerry) whose chases and battles usually concerned comic violence. Tom and Jerry's cartoon was written by Barbera and Hanna. The first series is notable for having won the Academy Awards for best flick seven times, ligature it with Walt Disney's Silly Symphonies because of the most-awarded theatrical animated series. The series has conjointly won additional Oscars than the other animated series.

Beginning in 1960, additionally to the originals, MGM had new shorts created by Rembrandt Films, crystal rectifier by factor Deitch in Japanese Europe. Production of Tom and Jerry shorts came to Hollywood underneath Chuck Jones' Sib-Tower twelve Productions in 1963; this series lasted till 1967, creating it a complete of 161 shorts.

The cat and mouse stars later resurfaced in their own tv cartoons created by Hanna-Barbera and Filmation Studios throughout the Nineteen Seventies, 1980s, and 1990s, a moving-picture show, Tom and Jerry: The picture, in 1992 and free domestically in 1993 and in 2000, their initial TV special, Tom and Jerry in: The Mansion Cat for Cartoon Network.

Today, Warner Bros. (via its Turner diversion division) owns the rights to Tom and Jerry, and conjointly created the series, Tom and Jerry Tales for The CW's Saturday morning "The CW4Kids" lineup, further because the recent Tom and Jerry short, The Karate Guard, in 2005 and a string of Tom and Jerry direct-to-video films.

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